511 Edinburgh Rd. South, Suite 101, Guelph, On. 519-837-9711
Office Hours
Monday: 9am - 6pm
Tuesday: 12pm - 8pm
Wednesday: 8am - 6pm
Thursday: 12pm - 8pm
Friday: 8am - 1pm
Contact Info
511 Edinburgh Rd. S. Ste 101
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 4S5
Tel: 519-837-9711
Fax: 519-837-8852
We strive with excellence to overcome injury, achieve optimal performance and sustain wellness. Our goal is to provide high quality care in a caring and relaxed atmosphere.
Having a strategy for overall well-being provides a strong foundation upon which to build long lasting wellness. There is a difference between health, healing and wellness. Health is an experience, healing is a process, and wellness is a state of being.
Health is often defined as the absence of sickness. We can function within our activities of daily living, but still have a sense that we can feel and function better. When health falters, we may seek medicine and /or surgery. Medicine and surgery has their place in an overall strategy for health, but it is one piece of the overall solution. Modern medicine has been so successful in their treatment of specific and often adverse conditions that as a society we forget that medicine can only bring us back to health, not wellness.
The concept of wellness is as old as time. A person who is well has the internal and external strength to fight off sickness and to prevent/recover from injury. Wellness is achieved through a lifestyle of balance. The balance is accomplished through interventions such as good nutrition, good posture, physical exercise, sleep and relaxation, emotional and social support and therapies that strengthen and promote the body's healing abilities.
Our clinic provides education and treatment for acute injuries. The first stage is on pain relief, treating a condition and preventing it from worsening. The second stage of treatment is focused on building strength/flexibility and regaining the ability to perform everyday tasks. So, like traditional medicine, the goal is to regain health.
The long term goal is to help our patients obtain optimal wellness through education and therapy with the goal of disease and injury prevention.
"The Doctor of the future will give no medicine
but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame,
in diet and in the cause of prevention of disease"
- Thomas A.Edison
Copyright © 2020 Dr. Bonnie Keys. All rights reserved.